Training Theory & Definitions


Rescue Puppies on the Move RPOTM is an all volunteer transport group for rescue dogs around the country Our goal at RPOTM is to give rescue dogs a safe and personalized ride to their forever homes Many of these rescue dogs are very scared and confused and we want their transport to be stress free comfortable and safe so that they can have a positive experience on the way to their new life. Our volunteers treat each dog as if they were their own for the duration of their trip, providing love and care along the way. RPOTM got started accidentally back in December 2012, when a group of dog lovers got together to help get Holly Noell, a 9-week old German Shepherd, home for Christmas. Holly travelled over 1500 miles through 5 states, all driven by a few amazing people Along the way so many people came together to help and once Holly was home, we realized that our journey had only just begun. We are now a group of over 250 volunteers around the country and are getting daily requests for transports We are always accepting applications for new volunteers 

Shaping is where you use a clicker to mark a behavior your dog may perform naturally like a sit or a down and once the dog is offering that behavior consistently you can add the command this is often referred to as free shaping A step further than this you can try shaping a more complex behavior bit by bit with a clicker. In order to shape a complicated behavior you have to be able to break down the behavior you are looking for into very small pieces and gradually approximate towards the actions you are looking for The power of this shaping is that the dog learns to learn and to think about what they are doing

Shaping can be quite frustrating in the beginning but I have found it to be the best way to learn how the timing of the reward affects the dog's behavior Timing of reward and correction is an important training skill to master no matter what training tools you use Starting with a clicker allows you to experiment and any mistakes should not ultimately affect the relationship between you and your dog or your dogs general confidence. This is important for Schutzhund young dogs should not be subjected to corrections such as prong collar corrections until they are confident enough to take them Otherwise, you may find that for all of your training you fail to achieve the results you desire because your dog does not show the desired attitude in his work

Combining methods These techniques can be combined to get faster results For instance if you are shaping your dog to go to a box or dumbell you can reward him by throwing the food on the box or next to the dumbell This lures the dog back to the object so he is more likely to be successful at the next repetition

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